Published On: March 6th, 2023Categories: Dental Implants247 words1.2 min read

Choosing between dental implants and bridges is a common decision that patients face when receiving dental treatments. Both dental implants and bridges help to restore the function and appearance of teeth, but implants offer more advantages than bridges.

Dental implants are essentially replacements for missing teeth. Implants are strong, long lasting and look and feel like a natural tooth. The two main components of an implant are a metal post and an abutment and crown that can be used to fill any gaps in the teeth.

Unlike bridges, implants don’t need to be supported by adjacent teeth because the implant is securely anchored into the jawbone. This helps to prevent further damage to the surrounding jawbone and gums and ensures the implant will remain secure.

Bridges on the other hand, help to replace missing teeth but unlike implants, they are fixed into place and are supported by adjacent teeth. This can put additional strain on the adjacent teeth, as well as cause other issues such as decay or injury to the nerve of the holding tooth requiring root canal treatment or even removal of that tooth, resulting in a larger space

In conclusion, dental implants are a far superior choice to dental bridges. They offer a more secure and permanent solution to missing teeth, while being aesthetically pleasing, offering improved function with no effect or damage to adjacent teeth.

For those looking for a comprehensive, lasting solution to missing teeth, the clear choice is dental implants.

Dental implants or bridges