At Foley Park Dental and Implant Centre, we take the safety of our patients and staff very seriously and pride ourselves on our high standard of cleanliness and cross infection control measures. As such we have made some changes to our usual systems and procedures. Please through this fully…
As well as our usual cleaning and cross-infection control protocols, we have invested significantly in air conditioner units, with built-in air filtration systems, or standalone air filtration units, installed in all rooms.
For the safety of yourself and everyone who attends it is important to follow the following:
Please attend alone, unless you:
- are under 18 and attend with your parent
- need the assistance of a carer
- need the assistance of your translator
If you answer yes to the below questions, please contact the practice to reschedule your appointment:
– Have you been diagnosed and are currently suffering from COVID-19 and should be self-isolating?
– Do you live with someone who is currently suffering from COVID-19?
– Do you feel as if they have a high temperature (hot to touch on chest or back)?
– Do you have a new, continuous cough?
– Have you recently had a loss of taste or smell?
– Are you or a member of your household waiting for the result of a COVID-19 PCR test?
– Have you travelled internationally to a country that is on the UK government’s red list?…
On the day of your appointment:
- Please remember to attend alone unless you are under 18 and attend with your parent, need the help of your carer, attend with your translator
- Our toilets may be closed, so before you leave please ensure you have visited the lavatory, have hydrated and have brushed your teeth
- Please avoid bringing lots of things such as bags and coats
- When you arrive, please arrive into the surgery, maintaining a 2 metres distance where possible.
- Please wear a mask or face covering
- On arrival, you may find that the door is locked. This is because we have reached the maximum number of people in the building. If this is the case, please Whatsapp us on 07914840157 or call 01562 822653
- Please use the hand sanitizers available.
- Your temperature will be checked using a contactless method. If it is higher than 37.5’C, we will ask you to rearrange your appointment and contact 111 who may advise you to self-isolate as a precautionary measure.
- To limit contact, you may be asked to pre-pay for your appointment using a payment link.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during these times.